Who we are
Terms of Use
This Terms of Use has been in effect from 6 Jan 2020 and last edited on 10 Jul 2021.
1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this Terms of Use is to define terms and conditions to use information and service related to Review Hunters(“Service”). The Service is operated by Diamond Hunters Co., Ltd.(“Company”), a registered company in Thailand. The Service is operated over many platforms including but not limited to the following platforms(“RH Platform”) www.reviewhunters.net www.reviewhunters.app www.facebook.com/reviewhunters
1.2 The Company shall provide all of its Services to users(“Users”) when they consent to the Terms of Use and shall be operated in accordance with such governing conditions.
1.3 The details of these Terms of Use may be updated from time to time and are subject to such changes without notice.
2. Definition of Users
The Users are comprised of members and non-members and refer to any and all persons who use the Service in any online or offline environment.
3. Other Applicable Laws
The Terms of Use shall be subject to the Telecommunications Business Act, other applicable laws, and standard commercial practices.
4. Members
4.1 Any individuals that wish to become members of the Service may obtain membership by filling in and submitting membership forms online.
4.2 The Company shall grant membership to individuals that submit said membership forms except in the following cases:
i) When there is any false or omitted information, or when individuals and groups have been classified incorrectly; and
ii) When the Terms of Use are breached
4.3 Any changes to information on members shall promptly be made in member's profiles. The members concerned shall be liable for any damages stemming from failure to make such changes.
5. Membership Cancellation and Removal
5.1 Members may cancel their memberships at any time by requesting to admin officers of the Service via email inquiry@digitalstark.co The Company shall ensure that membership cancellations are to be completed without any difficulty.
5.2 In any of the following cases, the Company may limit the access of its members or terminate their memberships, without any prior permission or compensation :
i) When a member disparages a specific country, individual, or group or engages in any activity that may cause diplomatic friction;
ii) When a member enters false information when registering for membership or changing member information;
iii) When a member violates any law or any condition as stated herein;
iv) When a member makes an unauthorized change in the information contained in the Service;
v) When a member infringes upon the human rights or intellectual property rights of a third party and/or information held by the Service;
vi) When a member illegally collects and uses the other members' identification information;
vii) When a member disseminates information, texts, or statistical data on other individuals or groups (Korean or foreign) that are sensitive in nature or violates generally accepted practices and common courtesy; and
viii) When a member commits a criminal act.
ix) When a member does other activity than using the Service as it is. For Example, making advertising for other brands, products, or services without written approval from the Company.
6. Information Protection Policy Regarding members
The Company shall tightly protect the information of all members.
7. Use of Information
7.1 Service Content(“Service Content”) made by the Company or posted on the RH Platform by the Users, belongs to the Company. The Users agree that the Users shall not use the whole or part of the Service Content outside of the Service if there is no written approval by the Company.
7.2 Review Content(“Review Content”) made by joining the Service’s Mission, Activity, or Event(“Event”), then posted on another platform than the Service, belongs to the Users. The User agrees to allow the Company, the Service, and the Sponsor of the Event to use the Review Content for further marketing use without any further compensation.
7.3 The Company shall not retain the authority to censor the web page but reserves the right to update or delete contents in accordance with its internal principles. The Company may limit the use of its contents, in part or in whole, by users without notice by the Company’s decision.
7.3 The Company shall have rights to use any content, data, post, or comment made by the Users.
8. Security for IDs and Passwords
8.1 Members shall assume full responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of their IDs and passwords by themselves.
8.2 They shall not cause any third party to use their IDs or passwords.
8.3 They shall immediately notify the Company of any leakage or unauthorized use of their IDs and passwords, and fully comply with the security policies of the Company
9. Restrictions on Storage
9.1 Members agree that the Company may restrict the storage capacity, the effective period of contents storage, and more assets related to the Content.
9.2 Members agree that the Company may suspend or delete member’s Page inactive for a certain period of time.
10. Revision of the Terms of Use
The Company reserves the right to revise the Terms of Use from time to time, without any prior notice. The Users shall be able to review the Terms of Condition on the Service’s website.
11. Miscellaneous
The Terms of Use shall be construed and executed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea. Execution of the Terms of Use shall be subject to the jurisdiction of a court in the Republic of Korea.